Full-Time Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Faculty

Dr. Omar Abdelrahman
Associate Professor
Email oabdel [at] uh.edu

Dr. Vemuri Balakotaiah
ProfessorHugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Distinguished University Chair
Phone 713-743-4318
Email bala [at] uh.edu

Dr. Praveen Bollini
Associate Professor
Phone 713-743-6786
Email ppbollini [at] uh.edu

Dr. Patrick C. Cirino
ProfessorUndergraduate Program Director
Joint Appointments in Biomedical Engineering and Biology & Biochemistry
Phone 713-743-1496
Email pccirino [at] uh.edu

Dr. Jacinta C. Conrad
Frank M Tiller Professor
Phone 713-743-3829
Email jcconrad [at] uh.edu

Dr. Vincent M. Donnelly
Moores Professor
Phone 713-743-4313
Email vmdonnelly [at] uh.edu

Dr. Lawrence Dooling
Assistant Professor
Email ljdoolin [at] central.uh.edu

Dr. Demetre J. Economou
Professor, Post-TenureHugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Distinguished University Chair, Emeritus
John and Rebecca Moores Professor, Emeritus
Phone 713-743-4320
Email economou [at] uh.edu

Dr. Sribala Gorugantu
Assistant Professor and Presidential Frontier Faculty Fellow

Dr. Lars C. Grabow
Dan Luss ProfessorProfessor of Chemistry
Director of Graduate Admissions
Phone 713-743-4326
Email grabow [at] uh.edu

Dr. Michael P. Harold
Cullen Engineering Professor
Phone 713-743-4322
Email mharold [at] uh.edu

Dr. Jerrod A. Henderson
Assistant Professor
Phone 713-743-9282
Email jahenderson5 [at] uh.edu

Dr. Alamgir Karim
Dow Chair and Welch Foundation ProfessorDirector, International Polymer & Soft Matter Center (IPSMC)
Director, Materials Engineering Program
Phone 713-743-7351
Email akarim3 [at] central.uh.edu

Dr. Ramanan Krishnamoorti
ProfessorProfessor of Petroleum Engineering
Professor of Chemistry
Phone 713-743-4307
Email ramanan [at] uh.edu

Dr. Triantafillos J. (Lakis) Mountziaris
William A. Brookshire Department ChairProfessor
Phone 713-743-8460
Email tjmountz [at] central.uh.edu

Dr. Michael Nikolaou
ProfessorAssociate Chair for Academic Affairs
Phone 713-743-4309
Email nikolaou [at] uh.edu

Dr. Mehmet Orman
Associate Professor
Phone 713-743-6785
Email morman [at] central.uh.edu

Dr. Jeremy Palmer
Ernest J and Barbara M Henley Professor
Phone 713-743-6225
Email jcpalmer [at] uh.edu

Dr. Joseph B. Powell
Aspire Shell Endowed Chair and Executive Director for Energy TransitionProfessor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Phone 713-743-6556
Email JBPowell5 [at] uh.edu

Dr. Jeffrey Rimer
Abraham E. Dukler ProfessorDirector of Graduate Studies
Phone 713-743-4131
Email jrimer [at] central.uh.edu

Dr. Megan Robertson
Neal R. Amundson ProfessorAssociate Chair for Faculty Development
Phone 713-743-2748
Email mlrobertson [at] uh.edu

Dr. Navin Varadarajan
M.D. Anderson Professor
Phone 713-743-1691
Email nvaradarajan [at] uh.edu

Dr. Peter Vekilov
Frank Worley Professor
Phone 713-743-4315
Email vekilov [at] uh.edu

Dr. Richard C. Willson
Huffington-Woestemeyer ProfessorProfessor of Biochemical & Biophysical Sciences
Phone 713-743-4308
Email willson [at] uh.edu

Dr. Gül Zerze
Assistant ProfessorCancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas Scholar
Phone 713-743-7619
Email gzerze [at] central.uh.edu

Dr. Hasan Zerze
Phone 713-743-8583
Email hzerze [at] central.uh.edu
Affiliated Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Faculty

Dr. Stanko R. Brankovic
Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Phone 713-743-4409
Email stanko.brankovic [at] mail.uh.edu

Dr. Jakoah Brgoch
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
Phone 713-743-6233
Email jbrgoch [at] central.uh.edu

Dr. James Briggs
Professor, Biology and Biochemistry Department
Phone 713-743-8366
Email jbriggs [at] uh.edu

Dr. Birol Dindoruk
American Association of Drilling Engineers Endowed Professor
Phone 713-743-4529
Email bdindoruk [at] uh.edu

Dr. George Fox
Moores Professor of Biology and Biochemistry and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Phone 713-743-8363
Email fox [at] uh.edu

Dr. Hadi Ghasemi
Cullen Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Phone 713-743-6183
Email hghasemi [at] uh.edu

Dr. Renita Horton
Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Phone 713-743-0997
Email rehorton [at] central.uh.edu

Dr. Allan Jacobson
Robert A. Welch Chair of ScienceDirector of the Texas Center for Superconductivity at UH
Phone 713-743-2785
Email ajjacob [at] uh.edu

Dr. T. Randall Lee
Cullen Distinguished Professor and Associate DepartmentChair, Department of Chemistry
Phone 713-743-2724
Email trlee [at] uh.edu

Dr. Dmitri Litvinov
Phone 713-743-4168
Email litvinov [at] uh.edu

Dr. Vincent H. Tam
Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences and Administration
Phone 832-842-8316
Email VTam [at] uh.edu

Dr. Yan Yao
Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Phone 713-743-4432
Email yyao4 [at] uh.edu
Adjunct Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Faculty

Dr. Ananth Annapragada
Adjunct Professor
Email Ananth.Annapragada [at] uth.tmc.edu

Dr. James Brazdil
Adjunct Professor
Email james.brazdil [at] yahoo.com

Dr. Micky Fleischer
Adjunct Professor
Email mfleischer [at] uh.edu

Dr. Nikolaos Malamataris
Lecturer (part-time)
Phone 713-743-4328
Email nmalamat [at] central.uh.edu

Dr. Ram Ratnakar
Adjunct Professor
Email ram.ratnakar [at] shell.com

Dr. Debalina Sengupta
Assistant Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Energy Transition Institute
Phone 713-743-6258

Dr. Mingjian Wen
Adjunct Assistant ProfessorPresidential Frontier Faculty Fellow
Phone 713-743-3024
Email mjwen [at] uh.edu
Research Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Faculty

Dr. Anil K. Bhowmick
Research ProfessorRubber Science and Technology
Phone 713-743-9241
Email bhowmick [at] central.uh.edu

Dr. Ahmed Elzatahry
Research Professor
Email aelzatah [at] central.uh.edu

Dr. David Horton, Jr
Research Assistant Professor
Email dhorton [at] central.uh.edu

Dr. Katerina Kourentzi
Research Professor
Phone 832-842-6301
Email edkourentzi [at] uh.edu

Dr. Binh Vu
Research Assistant Professor
Email bvvu [at] uh.edu
Emeritus Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Faculty

Dr. Raymond Flumerfelt
Professor Emeritus
Phone 713-743-2658
Email rwf [at] uh.edu

Dr. Dan Luss
Cullen Professor EmeritusMember, National Academy of Engineering
Phone 713-743-4305
Email dluss [at] uh.edu