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Graduate Courses

CHEE 6111
Graduate Seminar 
Cr. 1. (1-0). May be repeated for credit.
CHEE 6197, 6297, 6397
Selected Topics 
Cr. 1-3. (1-0; 2-0; 3-0;). May be repeated for credit.
CHEE 6198, 6298 ,6398, 6498, 6598
Cr. 1-5.
Approval of chair.
CHEE 6289, 6389
Chemical Engineering Project
Cr. 2-3. (2-0; 3-0). May be repeated for credit. Industrial scale chemical engineering economics and/or engineering project.
Approval of instructor.
CHEE 6300
Physics and Chemistry of Engineering Materials 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Advanced theories of the structure and properties of materials, preparation methods, and applications in electronics, optics, catalysis and fuel cells.
Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
CHEE 6319
Introduction to Nanotechnology 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Fundamental concepts in tissue engineering and cell biology. Tissue structure, function, and replication.Field of nanotechnology. Fundamental concepts underlying various nanotechnologies which serves as a leveling course.
CHEE 3333 or equivalent, engineering post baccalaureate or graduate standing in engineering.
CHEE 6320
Introduction Nanomaterials Engineering 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Engineering of nanomaterials with emphasis on structural, optical, photonic, magnetic, and electronic materials. Synthetic methods and analytical characterization with design for applications will be emphasized.
CHEE 6319 or equivalent or consent of instructor.
CHEE 6321
Nano Design & Fabrication 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Design and fabrication at the nanoscale. Effects of nanoscale phenomena on device scaling; technological advantages and challenges. Design, fabrication, metrology, and devices integration at nanoscale.
ECE 6320 or CHEE 6320 or MECE 6320 or consent of instructor.
CHEE 6322
Topics in Colloid and Interfacial Science 
Cr. 3. (3-0). This interdisciplinary course discusses the basics of colloidal interactions, dynamics, self-assembly, and characterization techniques for a wide range of materials and their applications, spanning areas of biotechnology, energy and nanotechnology.
Consent of instructor.
CHEE 6323
Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Fundamental concepts in tissue engineering and cell biology. Tissue structure, function, and replication.
CHEE 3300, CHEE 3334 and CHEE 3369 and graduate standing, or consent of instructor.
CHEE 6327
Experimental Methods in Chemical Engineering 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Experimental methods used in chemical and biomolecular research such as error analysis, experimental design, microsopy (optical, electron, atomic force), scattering, spectroscopic analysis, bioanalysis, electrochemical analysis, and x-ray diffraction.
Graduate standing and/or consent of instructor.
CHEE 6330
Foundation of Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering
Introductory graduate level mathematical methods used in linear system analysis, solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, and model parameter estimation for various problems encountered in chemical engineering.
Graduate standing or consent of the instructor. 
CHEE 6331
Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering I (core course)
Cr. 3. (3-0). Linear methods applied to chemical engineering, matrices, transforms, series, complex variable methods and boundary layer problems.
Graduate standing or consent of the instructor.
CHEE 6332
Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering II
Cr. 3. (3-0). Solution of initial value problems, linear and non-linear equations. Solution of boundary value problems. Solutions of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations using finite-difference and finite element techniques.
CHEE 6331. 
CHEE 6333
Transport Processes  (core course) 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Advanced principles of fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer with application to problems in research and design. Emphasis on unified view of transport process in laminar and turbulent flow situations.
CHEE 3369
CHEE 6335
Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics (core course)
Cr. 3. (3-0). Advanced methods. Advanced principles of chemical engineering thermodynamics. Introduction to molecular and statistical thermodynamics and their ability to predict bulk thermodynamic properties and characteristics of chemical engineering systems.
CHEE 3460
CHEE 6337
Advanced Reactor Engineering (core course) 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Introduction to modern concepts and techniques of chemical reactor analysis and design.
Undergraduate kinetics or reactor design course, approval of department.
CHEE 6360
Biomolecular Engr. Fundamentals
Cr. 3. (3-0). Analysis and design fundamentals for biomolecular processes.
Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
CHEE 6365
Fundamentals of Catalysis 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Theories and experimental procedures in modern heterogeneous catalysis, catalyst preparation and properties, absorption, surface mechanisms, catalyst design, and catalytic processes.
CHEE 4367 or equivalent.
CHEE 6367
Advanced Process Control 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Application of high-speed computers in the control of chemical processes, reactors, and units.
CHEE 3367 or equivalent or consent of instructor.
Chemical Process Economics I 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Managerial economics of chemical processes and products; development of decision-making methods using chemical industry examples. 
Graduate standing in chemical engineering.
Chemical Process Economics II 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Study of profitability, process comparison, and risk analysis from an advanced viewpoint, followed by extensive case history studies of managerial economics in process industries. 
CHEE 6368
CHEE 6371
Pollution Control Engineering 
Cr. 3. (3-0). A general survey of problems and remedies with the earth as an environmentally closed system. Limitations of absorption and self-cleaning of the terrasphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere and their interaction and interrelationship.
Credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEE 4321 and CHEE 4367 or equivalent.
CHEE 6373
Environmental Remediation 
Cr. 3.
Chemical Processing for Microelectronics 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Chemical engineering principles applied to micro-electronic device fabrication and processing.
CHEE 4367 or equivalent or consent of instructor.
CHEE 6377
Introduction to Polymer Science 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Introduction to the synthesis, characterization, physical properties and processing of polymeric materials. The course thematically revolves around methods to measure, characterize and tailor structure, processing, property correlations for polymeric materials.
Consent of instructor.
Safety and Reliability
Cr. 3. (3-0). An overview of risk, safeguards and hazards associated with chemical process engineering. Layers of protection, hazard identification, source term models, toxic release and dispersion models, fires and explosions, probabilistic analysis, fault tree analysis, designs to prevent accidents, safety-instrumented systems, and safety-related standards and regulations. 
CHEE 3363, CHEE 3369 & CHEE 3367.
CHEE 6380
Biochemical Separations 
Cr. 3.
CHEE 6383
Advanced Unit Operations 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Property prediction of multicomponent fluids. Advanced principles of heat exchanger design, multicomponent fractionation, absorption, stripping, and extraction from a unified point of view.
CHEE 3462
Petrochemical Processes
Cr. 3. (3-0). Petrochemical industry in terms of feedstocks, products, companies and trends. Technology, markets, and economics for the major building blocks and derivatives. 
CHEE 3332 and graduate standing or consent of instructor.
CHEE 6386
Air-Pollution Problems and Control 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Air pollutant identification and control technology; estimation of pollutant transport, dispersion, and conversion; computer application for design of control units.
CHEE 6388
Catalytic Processes 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Process-oriented survey of catalytic technology; catalyst selection and design; catalytic processes, engineering, and economics in the petroleum, chemical, and pollution control industries.
CHEE 4367 or consent of instructor.
CHEE 6390
Energy and the Environment 
Cr. 3. (3-0). This course surveys modern energy technologies and their impact on the environment. Topics include energy generation from fossil, nuclear, and renewable sources. Energy utilization covers stationary and transportation applications. Optimization of source-to-consumer efficiencies and minimization of emissions are included, with special emphasis on emerging technologies such as fuel cells. Capstone topics for the course are future developments in the hydrogen economy and the technical-economic-social aspects of global warming.
Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or consent of instructor.
CHEE 6391
Transport Phenomena in Physiological Systems
Cr. 3. (3-0). Fundamental aspects of systems physiology and other life science principles with quantitative analysis of transport phenomena and chemical reactions in cells, organs and the whole body.
Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
CHEE 6393
Cellular and Biological Transport Phenomena
Cr. 3. (3-0). Combines basic cell biology and biophysical chemistry principles with quantitative analysis of transport phenomena and chemical reactions.
Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
CHEE 6394
Transport Phenomena in Physiological Systems 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Fundamental aspects of systems physiology and other life science principles with quantitative analysis of transport phenomena and chemical reactions in cells, organs and the whole body.
BIOE 3440 or CHEE 3363 or equivalent.
CHEE 6395
Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Fundamental concepts in tissue engineering and cell biology. Tissue structure, function, and replication
CHEE 3300, CHEE 3334, and CHEE 3369 and graduate standing or consent of instructor.
CHEE 6399-7399
Master’s Thesis 
Cr. 3 per semester.
CHEE 7350
Applied Nonlinear Methods for Engineers 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Recent nonlinear methods with emphasis on engineering applications. Topics: nonlinear functional analysis, steady-state bifurcation theory, dynamical systems, nonlinear partial differential equations, nonlinear waves, computation methods in bifurcation theory.
CHEE 6331, CHEE 6332, or consent of instructor.
CHEE 7387
Plasma Processing: Principles and Applications 
Cr. 3. (3-0). Principles of low pressure glow discharge plasmas: plasma generation and maintenance, plasma chemistry, plasma diagnostics. Applications with emphasis on semiconductor manufacturing.
Graduate standing in engineering or natural sciences or consent of instructor.
CHEE 7397
Selected Topics
Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0). May be repeated for credit.
CHEE 8198, 8298, 8398, 8498, 8598
Doctoral Research
Cr. 1-5 or more by concurrent enrollment.
Approval of chair.
CHEE 8399, 8699, 8999
Doctoral Dissertation
Cr. 3, 6, 9 per semester.