
Our research program aims to unravel the molecular mechanisms that underlie the persistence phenomenon in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell types. These persister phenotypes, characterized by their ability to tolerate high drug concentrations, are believed to contribute significantly to the recurrence and relapse of diseases. Despite their importance, little is known about the physiology of these rare and transient sub-populations. Our research focuses on delving into the complex molecular makeup of persister cells, exploring their metabolite profiles, RNA expression patterns, protein composition, and regulatory elements. By gaining a deeper understanding of these aspects, we aim to uncover the key factors that enable these cells to tolerate extraordinary drug concentrations. This knowledge is vital as it not only enhances our comprehension of recurrent diseases but also paves the way for the development of targeted therapeutics.
- Graduate students: Shayne Sensenbach; Sreyashi Ghosh; Hanny Ngo; Rauf Shiraliyev; Jenet Narzary
- Undergraduate students: Meneh Ofomaja
- Postdoctoral research associates: Sayed Golam Mohiuddin
Assistant Professor Excellence Lecture Series (APEX), 2022
NSF CAREER Award, 2021
R01 Award (single PI), NIH/NIAID, 2019
NIAID Career Transition Award (K22) (received the best possible impact score, 10), 2017
Academic Performance Award in M.S. program (highest GPA), METU, 2007
M.S. Bursary of Scientific & Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), 2005-2007
Journal Papers / Refereed Journal Publications
- G. Singh, M.A. Orman, J.C. Conrad, and M. Nikolaou, “Systematic Design of Pulse Dosing to Eradicate Persister Bacteria”. PLoS Computational Biology, 19(1), p.e1010243 [DOI], 2023
- S.G. Mohiuddin, A. Massahi, and M.A. Orman, “Lon Deletion Impairs Persister Cell Resuscitation in Escherichia coli”. Mbio, 13(1), pp. e02187-21 [DOI], 2022
- S.G. Mohiuddin, S. Ghosh, and M.A. Orman, “Proton motive force inhibitors are detrimental to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains”, Microbiology Spectrum, 10(4), pp.e02024-22 [DOI], 2022
- S.G. Mohiuddin, T.V. Nguyen, and M.A. Orman, “Pleiotropic actions of phenothiazine drugs are detrimental to Gram-negative bacterial persister cells”. Commun Biol. 5, 217 [DOI], 2022
- P. Karki, S.G. Mohiuddin, P. Kavousi, and M.A. Orman, “Investigating the Effects of Osmolytes and Environmental pH on Bacterial Persisters”. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 64(5) [DOI], 2020
- M.A. Orman and M.P. Brynildsen, “Inhibition of stationary phase respiration impairs persister formation in E. coli”. Nature communications. 6:7983 [DOI], 2015
- S.M. Amato, M.A. Orman, and M.P. Brynildsen, “Metabolic control of persister formation in Escherichia coli”. Molecular cell. 50(4):475-87 [DOI], 2013