Wireless Internet
The UH Wireless network is available in most campus buildings and can be accessed without username/password.
Email Address
Information Technology handles all email accounts. If you are having problems with your account you can call 713/743-1411, in person go to 116 Phillip Guthrie Hoffman Hall (PGH) or email them at uitsupport [at] uh.edu (uitsupport[at]uh[dot]edu).
Email Alias
To obtain more Information regarding your Email aliases go to:
Free Software for Students, Faculty and Staff
Our free software page provides a list of free software that is available to the entire UH community. On this page you can find McAfee, VPN, QVT Term, WinSCP and SSH Secure Shell. If you have problems uploading any of the software, call 713/743-411.
University Purchases for Faculty and Staff
The University of Houston has provided a number of software titles for download and for purchase by university departments. The list of software downloads, along with titles for University purchases can be found on the Faculty and Staff Software page.
Personal Software Needs can be purchased at Cougar Byte
Whether you are a student, faculty or staff member, the Cougar Byte is the only place on campus to serve your personal software needs. Located in the University Center, check the Cougar Byte website for service hours and contact information.
Printer Access
Two printers are accessible to faculty/staff. To access the printers, please see Thang to be added to the list.
IT help for personal issues call 713/743-1411