University of Houston Houston, TX 77004 |
713-743-1000 |
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Engineering Building 1, Room S222 4226 Martin Luther King Boulevard Houston, TX 77204-4004 |
713-743-4300 |
UH The University Eye Institute | 713-743-2020 |
UH Admissions | 713-743-1010 |
UH Event Line | 713-743-9999 |
UH Financial Aid | 713-743-1010, option 5 |
UH Fire Department | 713-743-1635 or 911 |
UH FIX-IT | 713-743-4948 |
UH Health Care Center | 713-743-5151 |
UH Information | 713-743-2255 |
UH Information Technology | 713-743-1411 |
UH International Student & Scholar services Office (ISSSO) | 713-743-5065 |
UH Main Bookstore 126 University Center |
713-748-0923 |
UH New Student Orientation | 713-743-1010 |
UH Police Department—EMERGENCY | 713-743-3333 or 911 |
UH Police Department—Non Emergency | 713-743-0600 |
UH Registration & Academic Records | 713-743-1010 |
UH Scholarships | 713-743-1010, option 5 |
UH Student Financial Services (Bursar’s Office) | 713-743-1010 |