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Master of Chemical Engineering Degree

A Master of Chemical Engineering (MChE) degree is offered as a non-thesis program for the working professional. The program has been designed for those persons who plan careers in plant operations, design and management. It is not intended to be competitive with the Master of Science degree, which is specifically research oriented, nor with the MBA degree. Rather, the goal of this program is not only to permit earlier productive use of the young engineer's technical skills, but also to introduce the engineer to the broad concepts of systems, analysis, advanced process economics, and technical management. The program is aimed at improving opportunities for chemical engineers in the chemical process industry and related industries.

Constituting the program is a core of five (5) required courses plus five elective courses, selected to meet the student's interests in the areas of process control, management and business economics, biochemical and environmental engineering, and petroleum engineering.

The courses are available in the late afternoon and evenings, and the degree can be completed in 2-3 years of part-time study.

Professionals working in the chemical process industry and related industries with degrees other than but related to chemical engineering (such as mechanical engineering or chemistry) are encouraged to apply. If admitted to the MChE program, such students are required to take a number of undergraduate chemical engineering courses that will prepare them to take the graduate-level MChE courses. A list of preparatory courses is composed by the MChE Director on an individual basis, depending on the student’s background. Typical lists from which selection is made for students with undergraduate degrees in mechanical engineering or chemistry are shown below in this page. For a full list of chemical engineering courses click here. To accommodate working professionals admitted to the MChE Program who might have time conflicts attending preparatory courses, a number of these courses are now offered by UH online.  Additional information can be provided by the MChE Program Director each semester.

Selection list of preparatory courses for MChE students with undergraduate degree in chemistry

CHEE 3321
Analytical Methods for Chemical Engineers
CHEE 3333
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
CHEE 3363
Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers
CHEE 3367
Process Modeling & Control
CHEE 3369
Chemical Engineering Transport Processes
CHEE 3462
Unit Operations
CHEE 4367
Chemical Reaction Engineering

Selection list of preparatory courses for MChE students with undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering

CHEM 3331
Organic Chemistry (I)
CHEM 3332
Organic Chemistry (II)
CHEE 3333
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
CHEE 3367
Process Modeling & Control
CHEE 3369
Chemical Engineering Transport Processes
CHEE 3462
Unit Operations
CHEE 4367
Chemical Reaction Engineering


Entrance Requirements


Minimum undergraduate grade-point average (GPA) of 3.00 (based on 4.00), and a typically total GRE score (Verbal + Quantitative) over 300.

Be advised that there is no financial assistance in this program and not intended for F-1 students.

The deadline dates for the Part-Time MChE program:

  • Spring — November 1
  • Fall — May 1

The required admission procedures and materials are the same as MS/PhD and can be found here. For international or permanent resident applicants, the TOEFL exam is required unless you have a degree from a US institution.

Additional Information:

Non-chemical engineering BS degree holders working in the chemical industry should contact the Program Director for additional course requirements, nikolaou [at] (Prof. Michael Nikolaou.)


Required Courses

CHEE 6368
Chemical Process Economics I
CHEE 6369
Chemical Process Economics II
CHEE 6383
Advanced Unit Operations
CHEE 6367
Advanced Process Control*
INDE 6372
Advanced Linear Optimization
* Offered every two years


MChE Degree: Elective Courses

CHEE 6330
Foundations of Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering
CHEE 6331
Mathematical Methods In Chemical Engineering I
CHEE 6332
Mathematical Methods In Chemical Engineering II
CHEE 6333
Transport Processes I
CHEE 6335
Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics
CHEE 6337
Advanced Reactor Engineering
CHEE 6360
Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals
CHEE 6365
Fundamentals of Catalysis
CHEE 6370
Advanced Topics in Biochemical Engineering
CHEE 6371
Pollution Control Engineering
CHEE 6375
Chemical Processing for Microelectronics
CHEE 6379
Safety and Reliability
CHEE 6386
Air-Pollution Problems and Control
CHEE 6390
Energy and the Environment
CHEE 6397
Prob. & Stat. for Chemical and Petroleum Engineers
CHEE 6397
Introduction to Polymer Science
INDE 6332
Engineering Project Management
INDE 6335
Engineering Administration
INDE 6350
Statistical Process Control
INDE 6364
Advanced Engineering Statistics
INDE 6370
Digital Simulation
INDE 6371
Operations Research, Optimization Methods
PETR 6351
Introduction to Petroleum Engineering (Prereq: Graduate Standing)
PETR 6362
Reservoir Engineering I (Prereq: PETR 6351, Graduate Standing)
PETR 6328
Petroleum Properties & Phase Equ. (Prereq: PETR 6351, 6362, 6364)
PETR 6364
Origin/Development of Oil & Gas Reserv. (Prereq: PETR 6351)
PETR 6304
Evaluation of Petroleum-Bearing Formations I (Prereq: PETR 6351, 6362)
PETR 6310
Petroleum Production Economics (Prereq: Graduate Standing)
PETR 6332
Reserves Estimation I (Prereq: PETR 6362, Graduate Standing)
PETR 6334
Reserves Estimation II (Prereq: PETR 6362, Graduate Standing)

Other engineering graduate courses can also be taken with the approval of the MChE Program Director.