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Technologies for the Circular Economy

Dimitris Collias from Procter & Gamble

Technologies for the Circular Economy include materials and process development technologies employing renewable carbon, recycled carbon, and waste carbon (including CO2). The main driver for these technologies is the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other LCA metrics that will contribute to P&G’s stated environmental goals and satisfy consumers’ desire for more environmentally-responsible products. We will discuss our work involving all types of circular economy carbons, such as development of renewable acrylic acid via dehydration of lactic acid for superabsorbent polymer applications and surfactant alcohols via sugar fermentation. We will review our technologies on recycling of polyolefins via solvent-based purification for packaging and product applications, and recycling of superabsorbent polymers via a variety of methods. Finally, we will present our objectives in the waste carbon upcycling program which is currently under development.